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Body Frequency Analyser & Optimiser
Boost your frequency imbalances to help improve your health.

Experience cutting-edge health and data management technology with the latest Body Analyser from the USA. Recent advancements in quantum computing and artificial intelligence have made this the fastest, most comprehensive and advanced Body Frequency Analyser and frequency optimiser available.  

Key Features:

  1. Frequency Optimisation to Enhance Your Health:

    • Following the initial assessment, the Body Analyser then uses frequency optimisation to help improve any imbalances detected.

    • Frequency optimisation can help to enhance performance, improve fitness, health and wellness.

  2. Your Educational Tool:

    • The Body Analyser does not diagnose, treat, or cure any specific disease or medical condition.

    • Instead, it serves as a unique educational resource, measuring your body’s frequencies to enhance your understanding of overall fitness and health.

    • Similar to ultrasound technology, the Body Frequency Analyser utilises frequencies. However, instead of providing visual images of specific body elements, it generates detailed comparative data reports and can improve your frequency imbalances.

  3. Historical Reports:

    • For the sake of comparison, we amalgamate the latest data with your historical records, preserving them in a Report format for your review during the session. 

    • These consolidated Reports furnish you with valuable insights into the evolving state of your body and overall well-being, enabling you to make informed decisions.

    • Upon request, we are also able to send you a PDF version via email.

  4. Baseline Comparison:

    • Suitable for individuals aged 18 to 85 years.

    • The Analyser precisely measures and compares your body frequencies against those of a healthy reference person of similar sex, age, weight, and height.

    • This comparison helps identify inflammation and frequency imbalances within your body.


Discover yourself with our Body Frequency Analyser!
By assessing and boosting your body’s frequencies, the analyser can help to improve frequency imbalances and enhance performance by pinpointing your strengths and also your weaknesses such as;

  • Connective tissue or ligament damage

  • Bone and muscle condition/bone mineral density

  • Vitamin deficiencies

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Cardiovascular/cerebrovascular

  • Food intolerance/inflammation ratings 

  • Collagen relating to tendons, ligaments, muscles etc..

  • Organ imbalances

  • Inflammation and potential imbalances that may be emerging or already present in your system.

  • Imbalances that can affect your digestion, fitness and health.

  • Historical damage

Understanding your Strengths & Weaknesses!
We hold the power to heal our own bodies. Despite one’s overall fitness and health, it is common to experience some degree of frequency imbalances. The Body Analyser serves as an early alert system and a comprehensive fitness, performance and health enhancer.


We can all do with a bonus boost!

Our statistical analysis indicates that frequency optimization, which occurs during your Body Analyser session, can significantly reduce these imbalances, often by up to 70%. This improvement is primarily temporary, which may only last for a few days after a session. Nevertheless, this bonus boost may temporarily fortify the body, thereby enhancing the ongoing healing process, to help you to generate small incremental gains each time you have a session.
While improvements in frequency are not guaranteed, even minor adjustments upward or maintaining the status quo—rather than experiencing declining frequency levels as we age—can help to significantly impact our overall quality of life. 😊

What do the two PDF Reports cover?
TWO REPORTS - This advanced technology reports on around 2,500 of your body components. Each component's frequency is measured and numerically rated in health. See details of some of the items measured and reported on... See List Here


Body Chemistry Report 1 - includes over 200 food types including dairy, fruits, grains, legumes, meats, seafood, nuts, spices, vegetables, also your digestive acids/enzymes, nutrition, bloods, viruses, cholesterol, vitamins/co-enzymes, amino acids, gastrointestinal functions, adrenals, insulin resistance, cortisol, macro/micro minerals, toxins, parasites, bacteria, fungi etc... See List Here


Comprehensive Body Report 2 - your arteries, connective tissue, muscles, nerves, organs including heart, kidneys, urinary system and bladder, lungs, digestive organs including liver, gall bladder, stomach, pancreas etc., your glands, ligaments, veins, brain, DNA/genetics, skeleton/bones etc..

Choose proactive care over reactive treatment!
It’s a responsibility to yourself and your loved ones.
Armed with this valuable knowledge, you can identify imbalances early and take prompt remedial action for improved fitness, enhanced performance, health and wellness.
For example you can adjust your exercise, food, vitamin supplement intake to improve your digestion, fitness and health, or in need seek appropriate medical advice. ​ For gall bladder, liver function, vitamin and hormonal issues identified, chatting to a doctor or a good naturopath at your local health food store may also be helpful. For muscular, ligament and connective tissue issues a physiotherapist may be able to assist. Always let Anne know if there are any areas of concern she could work on during your next facial or reflexology treatment.

Appointment Information: Choose between an In-Clinic or an ‘On Your Mobile’ session. Since we deal with frequencies, a mobile session (with or without a headset), is just as effective as an in-clinic one and may be more convenient for you. Particularly if you are feeling unwell.


Cost is $125 for the first Session (75 mins) then $110 for future Sessions (60 mins). Includes two PDF Reports emailed the same day.

For assistance you can text Anne on – 0419 670 312

Recommended Sessions

Fortnightly or Monthly boost & maintenance sessions.

Body Frequency Analyser
gym class
woman in gym
suitable foods
old couple
Albert Einstein


Here's a brief overview based on general knowledge of the nutritional benefits and disadvantages of the foods listed on your Body Frequency Analyser Body Chemistry Report. Note they have not been double-checked for accuracy.
See list here

FACEBOOK COMMENT (Permission given)

"I had my first session on Friday - amazingly from home, via mobile. I learned so much about myself - about imbalances within my body (some I already knew about), foods that may not be agreeing with me, the foods and vitamins that do work for me, DNA weaknesses, organ health and SO much more. The reports were so detailed and comprehensive. I can’t wait to do my follow up scan, to fine tune myself and improve the imbalances. Thanks so much Redland Reflexology, this is so good 😊
Zoe R..

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