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Jawline and facial slimming 

 Jawline and facial slimming can transform your face completely. A GW Japanese facial can reshape your face from a square and masculine jaw to a narrower and oval face in just a few Facial treatments.  Even after one Facial treatment, tight painful masseter muscles are released and the face becomes slimmer and sculpted.

The masseters are two bulky muscles on each side of the angle of your jaw. They are the strongest muscles of the body and serve as muscles of mastication, which means they help you chew your food.

Relaxing and releasing tight, locked up masseter muscles result in an overall reduction in facial width and fullness of the lower face and jawline. When the masseter muscles become tight, inflamed and swollen the lower face will droop and become saggy.  Once the masseters are massaged and relaxed and released using effective techniques, they become less bulky and square and take on a more sculpted and lifted appearance. Excess fluid around the jaw is released and lymph flow is also stimulated to release toxins.

Many people suffer from jaw and facial pain, neck and shoulder pain and headaches when the masseter muscles are tight and inflamed. If left untreated, in extreme cases there can also be some difficulty opening or closing your mouth along with experiencing a stiff jaw.

Pain is released and jaw clenchers and teeth grinders (Bruxism) will experience enormous relief from pain and other symptoms. Bruxism is a common behavior; reports of prevalence range up to 30% in the general population. 

The treatment
The GW Japanese facial incorporates 100% natural techniques using Japanese face lifting massage and sculpting techniques, facial acupressure points and facial reflexology to effectively revitalise the whole face.


Cost is $110
Recommended Sessions

Once weekly for 3-4 weeks

Then Fortnightly or Monthly maintenance sessions

Jawline and facial slimming
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